Free to be human


Free from profiling

Free to protest

Free to express yourself

Free to speak

Free to remain silent

Free to organise

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Free to blow the whistle

Free to question the rules

Free to define my own identity

Free to be me

Free to question authority

Free to ask for information

Free to debate ideas

Free to be unorthodox

Free to be orthodox

Free to be different

Free to go off grid

Free to switch off

Free to be left alone

Free to be let alone

Free to cross borders without humiliation

Free to use what they call the ‘dark web’

Free to not give my name

Free to hide my face

Free to be noncomforming

Free to use an adblocker

Free to delete my account

Free to demand information

Free to demand answers

Free to be more than a number

Free to define my identity

Free to define my own identities

Free to change my identity

Free to resist

Free to code

Free to vote

Free to keep my thoughts secret

Free to choose what to do with my body

Free to keep things to myself

Free to dissent

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Free to learn about my options

Free to be human

Free from monopolies

Free from data exploitation for the profit of others

Free to share with who I want

Free to be human


Free to be emotional

Free to be human

Free from state surveillance




Key Resources
Data as labour

Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19

Tech companies, governments, and international agencies have all announced measures to help contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Unprecedented levels of surveillance, data exploitation, and misinformation are being tested across the world.

Cover picture2

PI’s submission to the UK Committee on Standards in Public Life on electoral campaigning

PI’s submission highlights the need for the UK Electoral Commission to be reformed in light of the current online political campaigning practices and environment.

Thermographic camera display at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago


Thermal imaging cameras are presented as an effective way to detect if someone has one of the symptoms of the coronavirus - a temperature - but it's not that simple.

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Assessing data management activities in the humanitarian sector: a guidance note

PI collaborated with the Centre for Humanitarian Data, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and UN Global Pulse to develop a guidance notes on risk assessments for humanitarian practitioners.
